Saturday, October 14, 2017

General Meeting of the National Retriever Derby Club

National Retriever Derby Club

2017 Annual Business Meeting

Sedalia, Missouri

Welcome Statement  given by John Russell.  John welcomed all the contestants to the first inaugural Nation Retriever Derby Championship.

Call To Order

            Opening Ceremonies lead by John Russell

                        Pledge of Allegiance.

                        Moment of Silence for all of the ones who would of wanted to be here and couldn’t be.

            Introduction of NRDC Directors given by John Russell

                        President - John Russell

                        1st Vice President - Ray Vreeland

                        2nd Vice President - Larry Morgan

                        PRTA Director - Wayne Curtis

                        Secretary/Treasurer - John Stracka

Roll Call by John Stracka stated there was the 25% of the the clubs presented in person or by proxy to hold official club meeting.

Order of Club Business

            Report of Officers Nomination Committee for 2018 given by John Russell

Officer Elected in the Southern Region is Michael Robicheaux

PRTA Director will be Becky Eckett

                        President - Ray Vreeland

                        1st Vice President - Larry Morgan

                        2nd Vice President - Michael Robicheaux

                        PRTA Director - Becky Eckett

                        Secretary/Treasurer - John Stracka

            Report of 2018 Judges Committee announced by Ray Vreeland

            Announcement of venue for the 2018 will be held again on Barbara and Bob Hayden property in Sedalia, MO.  The date has moved up to October 8-12th, 2018. The event will begin on a Monday so as to not interfere with the trials held in close proximity.

            Announcement of 2018 Chair is Robby Bickley.

            2018 Chief Marshal is Bobby Lane

2018 Judges Panel is.

Southern: Clint Joyner

Western: Steve Kompf

Northern: Jeff Lyons  


            Dennis Bath announced our Sponsor starting with the sponsor of the Winner's painting which is sponsored by Starline Brass

            Acknowledgement of Sponsors and Vendors

                        Nestle Purina represented in person Dean Reinke and Karl Gunzer of whom received a standing ovation for all Purina has done for all the National events

                        Avery Sporting Dog – David Carrington

                        Kent Cartridge for all the live shots and poppers

                        Starline Bass represented by Bob Hayden in person for the set up party, cocktail party, opening up his home and for the winners painting.

                        Garmin for the donation of product

                        Dogtra for the donation of product

                        Wetmutt for donation of Wetmutt pads for all the contestants

            Acknowledgement of Land Owners by Loren Morehouse stated they had a good week and a good set up.  He also thanked Bob Hayden for everything he has done with the property.  He also stated when he told Bob of things he may want to do when he got back to the property it was already done.

            Acknowledgement of AKC Representatives was given by John Russell introducing Jerry Mann who stated he would not miss the this inaugural event of the National Derby Championship.

John Russell also knowledge the Foundation Committee of the National Retriever Derby Club.  Thanked Dennis Bath for the his work with the sponsors, John Stracka for becoming the Secretary/Treasure.  The input advise from pros Mike Lardy and Wayne Curtis, and also thanked Tina Styan and her team at the Retriever News for their assistance in helping getting the word out about the NRDC, ordering product and the help in the early stages of forming the NRDC.

            Acknowledgement of Retriever News Crew

                        BLOG team – Retriever News Team

                        Photographer – Deana Wolfe

                        Announcer – Becky Eckett

                        Official Vet – Dr. Chad McNeil

            Introduction of 2017 Judges given by John Russell

                        Northern - Jerry Kamphuis

                        Southern - Yvonne Hays

                        Western - John Goettl who spoke and said they had fun setting up the tests and their goal was to make it a fun event for the contestants and themselves.  He again said to all the contestants to have fun!

            Appreciation Gift to 2017 Judges was presented by John Russell who gave all the judges a one of a kind National Retriever Derby Club commemorative hat with a the Starline Brass logo on the back of it.  He also presented the judges with the National Retriever Derby logo cut out of cast silver.

            Appreciation Gift to Field Trial Chairman Loren Morehouse who also received the commemorate hat and the cast silver NRDC Logo.

            John Russell also presented land owner Bob Hayden with the same gift as the others.  Bob spoke and welcomed everybody to his property and spoke how they worked to make sure the property was safe for the dogs.

John Russell also gave a special thank you the hostess, Carol Morehouse and Missy Goettl for their great job they have done.

            Special Announcements  given by John Russell

                        Cocktail Party – Saturday, October 14th starting at 6:30 pm and will be held at the Hayden Liberty Center in downtown Sedalia.

                        Workers Party – Tuesday, October 17 starting at 6:30 and help at Best Western (headquarters)

                        Announcement of Dedication of Trial to Pete Simonds and Swede Anderson

Recognition of 2017 National Retriever Derby Club Champion Trophy was donated by Kate Simonds.  John Russell spoke about the meaning of the trophy with the top Derby logo is made of Sterling Silver to represent the look of past and the base made of granite to represent the look of the future.

NRDC 2017 Trial  Announcements given by Chief Marshal Larry Morgan

            Introduction of Test Dogs and Handlers

                        Male – "Jagger" handled by David Wolfe

                        Female – "Chevy" handled by Lou Vreeland

                        Backup Female – "Just" handled by Judy Despenas

            Chief Marshal's trial procedure announcement that the 1st 10 running dogs will be able to view the line then the 2nd 10 running dogs after, then the rest to follow.

                        Last minute judges instructions for handlers was to have fun.

                        No Bird Policy – 1st move back 6 starting 7th

                                                2nd move back 6 starting 7th

                                                3rd move to the end

                        1st Series will be a double with a dead rooster and a rooster flyer.

                        Callbacks posted at HQ and on Official Retriever News Blog

                        Finalist Procedure – The Finalists will be announced after the last series and a Parade of the finalist to the awards ceremony

The Caravan will leave the headquarters on Sunday Morning at 7:00 am sharp.
The first test dog will run at 8:00 am.

                        Bitch Check location North parking lot of the Best Western after the meeting.

            Introduction of Sub Committee Chairs

                        Sub-Committee Chair Meeting locations

            Selection of  starting dog number was done by Bob Hayden who picked a lanyard out of a bag with the dog number 34 to start the event.

                        Rotation will be 34, 3, 14, 25

                        Gun Changes at Dog #14 in the 1st series.

            Call for Adjournment by John Russell



We are off to the Cocktail Party … Pictures to come